About rude botany

Who would have thought the safe and cosy life of the plant world could be so downright RUDE? However, the slogans of these shiny new t-shirts are actually the REAL botanical names for plants!

Our Carry On-esque selection includes eye openers such as ‘Rubus cockburnianus’, ‘Lilium superbum’ and ‘Clitoria ternatea’! All t-shirts come in bang-on trend colours such as Flame Orange, Sun Yellow and Kelly Green…to name a few. The hues in the colour range mirror some of the fashionista’s picks for 2017 too.

Priced from just £19.99 each, and available for the guys and the girls, these naughty T’s won’t break the bank either! Not a bad price for a chance to gain a bit of plant knowledge AND bring a smirk to a face or two! Hort smut rules!

But, remember… it’s not RUDE, it’s BOTANY!